Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Christmas Already??

With Halloween decorations being dead and gone for nearly a week, it seems premature to be talking about Christmas. However, local radio stations are playing holiday music, stores have set up their trees, and an Elf has just been mentioned on a national television game show. Luckily, the Elf that the game show contestant was describing to the host has nothing to do with the upcoming holiday season. It is a type of vehicle that some might describe as a “bike-car”.

Crafted by a team of designers led by Rob Cotter, the Elf operates on a combination of human power (pedaling) and electrical or solar power. This development of two combined energy sources could prove to be beneficial to the environment AND human health. The Elf has normal bicycle pedals that can be operated by the driver. It can also be charged up either through an outlet or through the solar panels on its roof. (A full solar charge takes about seven hours and provides 30 miles of power). This solar energy source is based on the background theory of photoelectric application; photovoltaic cells are used to convert solar energy into electricity.

The inventors at Organic Transit have found that solar energy is powerful enough to operate a vehicle, and the Elf only maxes out at 20 mph in order to meet federal bicycle requirements. They have also found that this solar power can be combined with human power to create an efficient mode of transportation. A major conclusion made by these researchers is that the Elf will reduce carbon footprints in developed countries. In third world countries, they conclude that “the Elf could help shave hours off tasks like collecting water” (Stone).

I have learned that technology can be much more efficient when different types of energy are combined. With the development of the energy-efficient Elf, people will not have to pay for gas. They will also be able to get exercise while traveling, rather than simply sitting in a car. This invention is extremely promising and reasonable. Although the current top speed is 20 mph, future development could maximize this speed, qualifying the Elf as a “car”. It appeals to buyers because of the low cost (roughly $5,000). It also encourages physical activity that is built directly into the daily schedule. Amidst the numerous benefits, perhaps the most notable outcome of this energy development is the reliance on solar energy and human power rather than earth-harming fossil fuels.

The Elf is currently being sold, and it has already been distributed to its major supporters from Kickstarter. I guess it was an early Christmas for them!



  1. Ok, I am completely in love with this thing! I think it would be so cool to have one. My only concern is the self-imposed speed limit. It seems like it would be too slow to be safe out on the open road like normal bikes. But it would perfect for traveling short distances, as it is probably more comfortable than a real bike. I hope I get the opportunity to try one out!

  2. While 20 MPH is not a lot, and I am not sure I could get anywhere quickly…I think this is an amazing idea! Seriously, how cool would it be to have this. If the Elf can be perfected to move at an ideal speed for a car I think it will take over the roads very quickly. I also think it is a great way to encourage and promote healthy living. I am thinking we should get these by the Ohio River to try out sometime soon. Not only do they look great, they save energy and gas. Really neat idea, I enjoyed your blog!

  3. This is a great idea! I think it wouldn't be as practical in developed countries that use roads as their main path of travel rather than bike lanes or sidewalks. In developing countries, where most people that have vehicles have dangerous ones such as motocycles also have older vehicles that emit more greenhouse gases. With the cheap cost, availability of more room, environmental impact, and physical health boost, it should be very helpful in ceratin countries!
